Finch and Associates, LLC, Trademark Law Specialists

FinchMark for TradeMark – 301-388-2252
“No easier call to make”
You have trademark rights. Register those rights for peace of mind and low cost protection for the heart of your brand. Finchmark is the friendliest way to get your questions answered and understand your choices.
Ruth Mae Finch, Esq. – trademark lawyer in Silver Spring, MD

Ruth Mae Finch, Esq is your trademark lawyer for the best professional protection. She can give you peace of mind and the highest quality trademark registration and services. Try her for easy-to-use, affordable access to 40 years of trademark registration and prosecution experience and 60 years of family practice in intellectual property.
Trademark registration protects your investment

Trademark rights can be extremely valuable. It’s your name and your reputation. Strategic business actions combined with timely trademark registration cost a LOT less than proving your common law rights in court. Trademark registration lowers the cost of protecting success, deters others from infringing your name, protects your investment in goodwill, advertising, packaging, and your business overall.
What to expect when you call Ruth

When you call 301-388-2252, Ruth will take the time to understand your goals, needs and constraints. She will answer your questions about trademark law and the registration process at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). She will help you strategize different legal options to fit your needs. Choices range from do-it-yourself to full court press against infringers (see Trademark Expert Services). If you have been accused of infringing another’s trademark rights, we can help you negotiate to avoid court expenses and unwanted outcomes.
Know what you get for your money

You can count on Ruth and her Associates to deliver professional results. Any time you choose Ruth as your trademark lawyer, she will provide a written retainer agreement. This retainer lists services and estimated costs for you to review, discuss, and approve. Once you are comfortable, return the signed retainer with payment and work begins.
Free consultation with a trademark lawyer
Call anytime to discuss your opportunity or challenge with an experienced trademark lawyer. There is no charge and no obligation unless you decide Finch & Associates can make the difference for you and your enterprise.